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GEMINI - May 22nd - June 21st
Born in the late Spring, your home will be full of the bright yellows and greeny yellows of daffodils and a host of Spring flowers. What's more you're bustin out all over too. Gemini people never have much time to spend on anything, they always want to be doing something else. Likely to be actors, journalists or connected to amateur dramatics or writing local newsletters, Geminis are ruled by Mercury and therefore have a quicksilver approach to life. There are two types of Geminis so their homes may appear to be quite different. It will either be very feminine and pretty or extremely practical almost to the point of being totally functional with little or no decoration.
Bathrooms are ideal places for being both very pretty or practical or preferably both with coloured ware with bathroom fittings to match. Lace curtains with yellow ribbon tie-backs, velvety embroidered towels, bowls of pot pourri and lashings of bubble bath or flip the coin. Perhaps smooth blinds with geometrically arranged sharp green and yellow towels and a minimum of ornament? Classic shapes with a touch of hi-tech functionalism? The choice is yours. There's a bathroom to suit whichever type of Gemini you are so that you can start off the day as busily as you mean it to continue.


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Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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