

Your Birthday - born 12th, May

Today - discover the make-up of people born on 12th, May ! Tune in each and every day to see the traits and characteristics people born on different days of the year hold.

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Born today on the 12th, May :
May 12 turns everything into a good time. They're the best people to go places with, always fascinated and fascinating, finding perfect places to eat, views to share, movies to watch, fun to be had. Most of them simply don't understand the word depression, although they are sympathetic with others, and this makes them ideal cheerers-up, which they do with goodwill. These people are sweet in the workplace, always looking out for others, with just the spiciest note of debunking when they encounter the pompous and puffed-up. With this temperament, May 12 is not an especially good boss. Mostly they can't see why they should be giving the orders, and haven't the faintest notion why anybody should follow them. And in truth they don't really have an air of authority, only of reassurance, so people who work for them tend to run riot. With friends, particularly of their own sex, they are faithful and will always rush to help, planning treats for their buddies, finding them presents, and generally wanting to entertain. With lovers it's a different matter. Kind and considerate, yes. Faithful, forget it. It's a fact of life that this butterfly goes in for a sundance every time it flutters across anybody fanciable. At work they have to be prised out of cupboards where they have retired with someone for a cuddle. Colleagues are always taking calls from furious lovers who were meant to be meeting this individual somewhere and of course May 12 hasn't turned up. Everybody has to tell so many fibs for May 12, that eventually they get into a hopeless muddle, as indeed does the twinkling subject of their confusion. They mean better than they do with love. But where their own children are concerned they do better than they think they will. This is the day which loves its children more than the partner who shares parenthood. It's just one of those things.
Body :

The flitting way of life chosen by May 12 takes its toll, and occasionally they should sit still, take it easy,and review their circumstances. Trouble haunts them day and night - the best thing is to learn not to cause it, because better health follows. Some Bach Flowers induce welcome calm. Collected by Dr Edward Bach from fields and woods they sell widely today in health food shops. Take two or three drops in a small glass of water. Pine (Pinus sylvestris) will go some way to alleviating guilt. Walnut (Juglans regia) is good for stabilising emotions and adjusting to new beginnings, of which this date has a lot.
Mind :

The downside to promiscuity is danger to your health, and to others. It also addles the brain. Unless of course you are the poet Lord Byron or Mozart, in which case it seems to fire creativity.

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