
You're having your doubts about a relationship. The passion and intensity you once shared has now dulled and there seems to be a growing distance between you. You miss the laughter and joy that now seems to have been replaced by monotony. Consider arranging to sneak off to a private hideaway and you will recapture the magic you used to share.

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From filling the car to buying a new telly, you're really feeling the strain, financially. Household bills are going up, the cost of living feels too high and you long for a time when life will be more affordable. Housemates will offer to pitch in but you will still need to sit down a little after you've been to the supermarket and you consider how much it has cost.

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Networking will be a great way to improve your career prospects. Enrol in an online seminar. Attend workshops and business events that might offer the best chances for you to meet recruiters and make valuable business contacts. Take your professional goals seriously and be on the lookout for chances to enhance productivity.

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You're ready and willing to adjust your usual routine to suit the demands of a committed relationship or to make room for a new friendship. You're attracting a lot of attention and interest as your enthusiasm for a group effort makes you stand out from the crowd. Whether or not you intended it, you are starting to get noticed.

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You're starting to make your needs a priority and you're ready to pursue your dreams. This will mean acknowledging the need to let go of any obstacles that might hinder your advancement in the future. This is a perfect time to show a more confident face to the world. You radiate animal magnetism.

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You need to calm your active mind after some recent turmoil. Once your environment is neat, tidy and organised, you will find it easier to relax. All you want to do is get back to your regular schedule. Take this chance to declutter and throw away items you now longer need. This will give you some additional workspace. Add a few plants to your home or office.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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In order to foster stronger friendship bonds or deepen a romantic connection, you need to talk. If you yearn for more romance and passion, encourage a sincere and intimate discussion. There's a strong chance your partner shares your feelings and by talking it through you will find ways to spice up your relationship.

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When talking about home and family matters, remember that a little diplomacy can make a big difference. Even if you and your partner have completely different opinions, a compromise can be found if you approach the situation with the right mindset. Trust your instincts. They will lead you in the right direction.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A chance to travel may be unexpected but it will certainly be welcome. What's great about this is that you're in a position to embrace any spontaneous opportunities that come your way. Your charisma will prove advantageous in both personal and professional dealings.

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Don't let your innate shyness hold you back from being your authentic self with the people you love. If you've always thought that passionate and exciting relationships were only for extroverted individuals, think again. You have just as much opportunity as anyone else to experience a passionate romance.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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They say that when you are in a tight spot, that's when your creativity really shines. You're feeling the pressure to get a message across quickly or make your point crystal clear during a conversation. Don't be afraid to use unusual and creative ways in how you do this.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A partner or member of your family will admit they have been organising something to enhance the financial stability of your relationship. Even if you feel you should have been more involved in this decision, let them know you appreciate this for your well-being as their top priority.

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