
Your personal standards are set really high but this can lead you to expect or demand too much from others. Do your best not to be overly critical when evaluating a colleague's efforts. Take a moment to step back and go easy on someone who is clearly having a hard time of it.

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You're being expected to handle a colleague or relative's responsibilities as well as your own. Stay calm. You won't feel so overwhelmed once you see that a methodical approach and a healthy amount of common sense are all that is required to get the job done. Since you have plenty of both, you will manage the situation with no problem.

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Enrolling on a study course or workplace training scheme can enhance your career prospects. If you're keen to pursue additional training but recent changes in your workplace left you uncertain about the next step to take, talk to a senior manager. They will give you guidance on exploring various options available to you.

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Although plans might change, you will easily adapt to whatever comes your way. This is your chance to prove to your workmates and housemates that you can be flexible when it is needed. Not everyone will agree with your ideas but you won't let their negativity bring you down. Your determination to succeed will help you overcome any obstacles standing in your way.

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Where domestic finances are concerned, this will be a good time to bring your thoughts out into the open. Voice all those plans and ideas you have been keeping to yourself. There should be plenty of cooperation in the family for you to make the most of.

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You will want to take care of career-related matters as soon as they arise. A surprise opportunity will be very attractive. You will sense immediately that if you delay showing your interest, someone else will grab it. Your financial situation is changing. Putting any extra income into a savings account will create a financial cushion.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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The morning will bring unexpected requests and obligations that will be both challenging and inspiring in nature. If you have been trying to impress your boss with your skills or knowledge, this is your chance to prove what you are capable of. A workmate's encouragement will keep you feeling positive and optimistic.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Group activities will take up a lot of your time. This is having an effect on your health. Listen to people who care about your well-being for there will be some who expect you to take on far too many responsibilities. A colleague is avoiding doing what they should be doing out of sheer laziness.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're ready for some excitement. You could do with having some fun and you won't be disappointed by today's events and activities. You want to find out more about new friends in your social circle, new hobbies and different pastimes. Getting involved in a group event will bring you immense joy.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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When it suits your purpose you will stick with the tried and tested. Still, personal ambition can occasionally lead you to disregard what is considered to be conventional. This is one of those times. Your friends and colleagues will be amazed when you choose not to conform and your willingness to try new things will attract new opportunities.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Life at home should be happy and harmonious. Spending quality time with loved ones who genuinely care about you is priceless. A youngster's achievements will add an extra layer of joy to your world. If you are starting a new creative project, you will find plenty of inspiration to use your abilities to the full.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You can't keep some thoughts to yourself any longer. For the sake of your mental health, you need to put your feelings into words and you need someone to listen. Despite any initial worries, a partner or relative's reaction could surprise you. They understand you more than you think and they do want to help make your life easier for you.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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