
It's time to make some grand plans. Your heart and mind are working in perfect harmony, so it should be no trouble pursuing a lofty goal. Whether you want to travel, study or write is unimportant. Finding a way to expand your horizons will give you great joy. The small problems that used to get under your skin will no longer bother you. Best of all, that feeling of restlessness will be replaced by a sense of empowerment. You're on the verge of a great breakthrough. Lean into it.

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Expanding your resources is a matter of creativity. Learn to invest your hard-earned cash into ventures that will bring long-term security. If you don't understand the fundamentals of buying and selling, take a money management course. This will help you work smarter, not harder. After making a few successful purchases, you might even be able to scale back your hours or retire early. An artistic person like you needs lots of time to create beauty. Turn this dream into a vibrant reality.

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This is a good time to sign a contract or enter a partnership. By making the terms clear from the outset, this deal will allow you to travel and study. Normally, you prefer flying solo. You've always been good at entertaining yourself. This situation is different. You're dealing with a seasoned expert who is more interested in making progress than struggling for power. Your attention to detail, combined with their experience, makes for an unbeatable combination. Enjoy this alliance to the fullest.

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Give careful thought to stress management. Lately, you've been experiencing some mysterious aches and pains. It's possible they are the result of intense anxiety. The sooner you gain control over your fears, the better you will feel. Remember the law of attraction. What you focus on expands. Therefore, if you're obsessed with a lack of money, you'll continue to repel it. Take stock of your blessings and they will multiply. Along with your finances, your health will improve.

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This is an ideal time to develop a creative project. Plot out a novel, mix some paint or sketch a design. Pick out a melody on the piano or buy wood for a bookshelf. It doesn't matter how you demonstrate your creativity, as long as you get started now. Mundane responsibilities will fall by the wayside. That's fine; they can wait until later. Right now, you should strike while the inspiration iron is hot. Don't hesitate to integrate some touches from a foreign culture into your work.

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Discussing a family matter will go more smoothly than expected. People will come together in a spirit of harmony. Previous power struggles will vanish into thin air. If you've been estranged from a relative, extend an olive branch. Joining forces will be helpful in finding the right school, home or service for your needs. Be open to suggestions and give credit where it is due. Old resentments will give way to happier, healthier interactions. It's simply a matter of wiping the slate clean and beginning again.

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It's time to lay your cards on the table. A natural diplomat like you is used to being discreet. Sometimes your subtle approach doesn't hit the target. That has been the case with a neighbour or relative who is incapable of taking hints. Instead of making gentle suggestions, get straight to the point. Explain what you want, why it's necessary and how it can be achieved. This will lead to a lengthy negotiation process that benefits both parties.

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Go over financial statements with a fine-toothed comb. You'll see some expenses that have been draining your cash reserves. By making a few adjustments, you'll be saving more than you spend. Having a nest egg will leave you free to pursue the relationships and jobs you want. This is the best gift you can give yourself. Are you looking for work? You'll make a much better impression on a job interview when you're not operating from a place of scarcity.

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Share an ambitious plan with people who can get them off the ground. You'll find an enthusiastic audience for your proposal. An affluent colleague will be willing to give you seed money for a business or service. Use these resources mindfully. Instead of trying to make a splashy opening, use these funds to invest in quality materials and competent staff. You'll be able to buy bells and whistles later, once this concept takes hold of the public's imagination.

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Letting go of a grudge will be liberating. Don't be surprised when a nagging ache or pain disappears once you practice forgiveness. There's nothing weak about letting go of anger and resentment. Moving on from heartbreak doesn't mean remaining in its path. If someone has been disloyal, you don't have to keep subjecting yourself to their abuse. You can simply wish them well and look for happier and healthier relationships. The key is to stop dwelling on your betrayal.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Operating as part of a team is rewarding. You appreciate people who are open to experimentation. Instead of hearing reasons why you are destined to fail, your proposals will be met with enthusiasm. It will be necessary to adapt some of your concepts to meet practical needs. Exchange your legendary stubborn attitude for a more receptive one. Just a few tweaks are all that's necessary to transform a promising concept into a lucrative business. Model your behaviour after a successful person you've always admired.

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It's a good time to make professional plans. Don't wait until the New Year to seek a promotion, high-profile job or career change. Making a sales pitch or going on a job interview will yield fruit. People are responsive to your upbeat attitude and relaxed confidence. When you see an opportunity that excites your imagination, pursue it. Don't worry if you lack the desired experience. The right attitude will make all the difference between success and failure.

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