
Emotions get in the way of making a good decision. It's tempting to take advantage of your status. Forcing your way to the front of the line will get you in serious trouble. Sure, you'll save yourself the trouble of waiting, but you'll make some enemies along the way. You can't afford to do this. Sure, you're at the top of the world now, but it could change very quickly. Make as many allies as you can, even if it means downplaying your position.

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Too much contact with the public makes you drained and upset. It's time to retreat to a private hideaway. You're especially tired of an expert who keeps challenging your every decision. Yes, their methods are probably superior in the grand scheme of things, but you've developed a technique that works for you. Escaping their scrutiny will feel like a reprieve from jail. Follow medical advice to the letter or you'll feel terrible in the days ahead.

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You're too old to go along with the crowd all of the time. Consult your own feelings about a romance. If you're irresistibly drawn to a quirky character, go ahead and pursue them. Who cares what everybody else thinks? If you're already in a relationship, you may be unduly worried about the public's perception of this bond. Ultimately, you've got to find an arrangement that works best for you, regardless of how it looks to outsiders. Be true to your instincts.

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Placing too much emphasis on your career is hurting a close relationship. Every time you come home late, you're telling your amour they are second best. If you are single, it's probably because you're spending too much time at work. Perhaps it's time to change your priorities. It's possible your family plays a part in this problem. They have more of a stake in your career success than your personal happiness. Stop letting them have so much say about your choice of lovers.

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It's almost impossible to connect with somebody who grew up in another country or was raised in a different culture. Stop trying to find common ground with them, and start accepting your differences. This will cause some difficulty at work, but you aren't paid to make friends. Tolerance is the best you can hope for in this situation. In time, the two of you may develop an appreciation for each other's methods. Right now your tie will be tenuous.

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You're very distrustful, and with good reason; a lover who betrayed you long ago left deep emotional scars. You're not about to make the same mistake again. Unfortunately, your cautious behaviour is driving a wedge between you and a male friend. Considering how this guy has stuck with you through thick and thin, you can probably afford to let down your guard in this instance. Don't buy any time saving gadgets today; you'll find a better price for this item next week.

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Depending too much on a friend, workmate, or romantic partner will end in disaster. You've got to become more self sufficient. Learn some practical skills, become more assertive, and earn your own money. While such prospects might fill you with terror, they are worth pursuing. You'll never have a healthy relationship until you become empowered. You have to admit, you're tired of looking to others for guidance all of the time. Get into the habit of paddling your own canoe.

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The urge to fix everyone's problems is actually a superiority complex. Stop placing so much importance on your input. The world will keep turning without you pushing it along. If you don't agree with a neighbour or loved one's decision, keep silent. They have got to make their own mistakes. You may be astonished to learn their plans actually pan out. This is proof you don't always know best. It's time to have a 'live and let live' philosophy.

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Don't blow your feelings out of proportion, especially where a love affair is concerned. If you're honest, you're really not that upset about a lover's behaviour. You just want to stir up some excitement. There are better uses for your time. Resist the urge to buy something expensive with joint finances or a terrible argument will ensue. You have to admit, it's not fair to put your partner's future in jeopardy just because you want to go shopping.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Habits you developed as a child are starting to catch up with you. It's time to take a more adult approach, especially regarding authority figures. Naturally, you resent being told what to do but its imperative we are all bound by the same set of rules. Acting out every time you are asked to toe the line will give you a bad name. Stop trying to talk your way out of the rules and accept the consequences for your actions. People will respect you a lot more.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You have to put your prejudices aside, especially when it comes to a large institution. There's simply no other option but to do business here. Yes, there will be plenty of hassles, but if you go prepared, the experience won't be as bad as you thought. Bring as many documents and paperwork as you can. Make sure your mobile is fully charged before you leave. Take some snacks, books, and music along to pass the time. Set aside the entire day for this task.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Clinging too tightly to possessions has taken a toll on your life. Your physical surroundings are a metaphor for your internal landscape. Until you make space in your home, you won't have any room for spontaneity. This may seem like a good thing on the surface, especially if you've underdone some upsetting upheavals but it isn't good to stay stuck in one place. Gather together anything you haven't used or don't want and sell it.

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