
You're afraid to take a risk, but it's the only way to move forward. Normally, you are eager to explore unknown territory. A bad experience with a know it all has made you self conscious. If you want to acquire more knowledge, admit your ignorance. Anyone with sense will admire your willingness to ask for instruction. Snobbish types will snigger over your lack of training, but they'll be the ones who look stupid. Studying with a talented teacher will lead to an exciting travel opportunity.

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An obsession or addiction must be addressed. You're tired of feeling powerless. A sympathetic counsellor or effective recovery programme will be helpful. Don't worry what others will think of your quest for help. Your first loyalty is to yourself. People who truly care about you will support the changes you make. They'll even curtail some of their own behaviour to assist you. Everyone else will slowly disappear from your life, leaving you to lead a happier, healthier existence.

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A relationship that is superficial and unsatisfying should be broken off. You can't force affection. If you've made a serious commitment, talk to your partner about starting a new chapter. It will take time and effort to break bad habits. Resist the temptation to fall back on predictable routines. Be willing to try new things, entertain bold plans and make profound changes for the sake of your union. The best things in life require an element of sacrifice. Take a leap of faith.

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The pressure is on at work. Although it's not fair, your employer expects more of you than your colleagues. Living up to these exalted standards isn't always possible. You lack the necessary support to turn in projects on time. Explain the difficulty to your boss. If they are indifferent to your concerns, you should look for other employment opportunities. A company with a solid reputation is worth exploring. You deserve to work for a place where you feel valued.

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You've grown bored of the old routine. Hobbies that once gave you pleasure seem boring. Don't feel bad about setting these activities aside for the sake of something new. Travel to a country you've never visited before. Try a different sport. Experiment with unfamiliar creative techniques. By giving yourself a chance to broaden your horizons, you'll feel much happier about the future. You'll even start attracting amorous attention again. You're enticing when you're fully engaged with life.

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Exploring your roots will be revelatory. You may decide to abandon some beliefs that were imposed on you as a child. Now you are older, you can formulate your own philosophy of life. This will be empowering. You're tired of parroting ideas that never made any sense. By exploring different perspectives, you'll find a supportive peer group. If certain relatives are offended by your decision to leave the fold, you shouldn't apologise. You have to follow your own star.

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You're not optimistic about the future. Although you don't want to drive people away with negative predictions, you can't help but feel gloomy. Turn your attention to an activity that makes you feel connected to the community in a positive way. This can be anything from serving food at a homeless shelter to cleaning cages at an animal sanctuary to joining a beautification project. Choose a cause that is close to your heart. Working alongside fellow philanthropists will make you feel better about the world.

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If you don't feel good about the way you make money now is your chance to change things. Entering a spiritually satisfying field will make your spirits soar. You could put your resourceful skills to good use at a recycling company, environmental protection organisation or antique restoration store. Alternatively, you might want to raise money for a charitable cause. It doesn't matter what kind of work you perform, as long as it feels worthwhile.

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You're feeling your age, especially on the physical front. Instead of throwing yourself into a strenuous activity, take it easy. Some gentle stretching, a brisk walk or a pleasant swim will keep you active without straining stiff muscles and ligaments. Nobody will think less of you for taking health precautions. You only have one body. Treat it with the respect it deserves. If your diet makes you feel tired and sluggish, opt for fresh produce, lean protein and whole grains.

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Don't dwell on discontentment. Just because you failed to reach certain goals doesn't mean you've wasted your time. You've acquired certain valuable skills and precious relationships along the way. Celebrate these unplanned advances. If you still yearn to live abroad, write a book or get a degree, it is possible. Make a plan and put yourself on a timetable. Stop telling yourself the sand has run out of the hourglass. You're operating on the Universe's timetable. Believe everything will work out fine.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You feel alienated by a group of friends. They're no longer interested in the same things. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as you're willing to be honest. Going your own way will ruffle some feathers at first. Don't be defensive about your desire to explore new vistas. You're moving in a different direction and can't stop to accommodate others who want to remain mired in a boring routine. Some old alliances will stay strong, but several will be fall by the wayside.

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It's important to accept more responsibilities. It's the only way to get ahead. Although your hands are already full, you can juggle existing tasks to accommodate one or two more. This ability to oversee several projects at once will cause your professional star to rise. You'll also acquire some marketable skills in the process. By the time you get the hang of your new schedule, you'll be in the position to land a prominent position or get an impressive promotion.

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