
Working on relationship problems will be productive. It's easier than usual to be direct with a partner who hasn't always been willing to face facts. Instead of taking an angry, accusatory tone, be calm. Give examples of incidents that have driven the two of you apart. Propose solutions for moving forward. Be open to suggestions on improving your own behaviour. Remember it is more important to solve your problems than lay the blame at one person's feet.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You have a larger workload than usual, but that doesn't faze you. It's fun trying to beat the clock. Of course, you should factor in some play time. Pushing yourself to the limit of physical endurance isn't healthy. Fortunately, you will have a few helpers at your disposal. Even small children can be entrusted with tasks like folding laundry, setting the table and sweeping floors. Are you looking for a job? Send out several applications now, while you're in such an upbeat mood.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Romantic activities, hobbies and sports command your attention. Work can wait for another day. You crave some amusing diversions. Fortunately, your personal charm is at an all time high. You won't lack for companionship. Are you single? You could meet someone special while playing a game or showing off your creative work. A person with impeccable manners piques your interest. You'll have to take the lead in this relationship. They may be too shy to make the first move.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Domestic projects are calling your name. It feels great to tackle the mountain of cleaning and cooking that has been accumulating. You're able to find items of good value for money. It may take trips to several stores to get discounted merchandise, but that's part of the fun. By the end of the day, you will have created a warm, comfortable atmosphere that is very attractive. Be sure to invite people over for a meal, movie or game. You're a wonderful host.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Running errands will take a great deal of time. It will be difficult to find time for meals and breaks. Resist the urge to push yourself too hard. The last thing you want is to run out of energy before you've performed all your duties. Don't rush through activities that involve heavy equipment and sharp tools. Injuries can occur if you skip safety steps. Be direct with someone who challenges your authority. Refer them to your supervisor if they press the issue.

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You can make the most of limited resources. Be sure to explain to your employer what steps you took to yield such impressive results. They may not understand the constraints under which you were working. The results of this project will result in another assignment. Before accepting this job, ask for a pay raise. You're saving your employer so much money that you deserve to be paid accordingly. Stick to your guns. Can your boss afford to do without you? Possibly not.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Stand your ground during an argument. Usually, you are willing to defer to others to keep the peace. This situation is different. You don't want to waste valuable time, energy and resources on a plan that is destined to fail. Unfortunately, the powers that be are proposing an idea that will not work. They don't understand the implications of this policy because they don't perform these tasks on a daily basis. Give a detailed critique of why this method is counterproductive.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Turning your attention to private matters comes as a relief. You're tired of being at the beck and call of the public. Fortunately, you'll able to retreat to a private corner to pay bills, answer correspondence and revel in silence. If you've been contemplating a job change, explore companies that will allow you to work from home. Being able to control your office environment will make you much more productive. You're tired of being subjected to other people's music, temperature and decorating tastes.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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The best way to achieve your goals is by working with a large group. A solo effort will fall flat. You have always been independent, but there is only so much you can do with limited time and resources. Getting involved with a professional organisation, social club or academic group will boost your prospects. Suddenly, several talented people will be at your disposal. Of course, you'll have to repay the favour at a later date, but that shouldn't be a problem.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You want to be recognised, respected and rewarded for your contributions and who can blame you? Nobody has put more time and effort into a project than you. A promotion or high profile job could soon become available. By taking the helm of an important organisation, you'll be able to launch initiatives that were previously beyond reach. Some will complain you are trying to move too far, too fast. Turn a deaf ear to these warnings. You are far more capable than your predecessors.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A hunger for adventure is too powerful to ignore. This is a great time to plan a holiday or go back to a learning environment. Expanding your horizons makes you appreciate how much potential you possess. Developing a talent for music, writing or handicrafts will be a good use of your time. Find an instructor who is both tasteful and knowledgeable. You'll make great strides while working under their wing. It might even be possible to work as their assistant or intern.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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This is a good time to put money away for a domestic project. Buying a home, adding a room or making repairs will be costly. By saving a certain percentage out of your cheque each pay period, you can cover the cost quicker than expected. It's just a matter of juggling your budget. A generous relative may be able to help, but you will have to ask. Don't beat around the bush when you request financial assistance. Just be polite and honest.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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