Love Astrology


Love & Sex - Scorpio

Phew! When someone said still waters run deep, they could have been talking about sultry Scorpios. There's a captivatingly cloak-and-dagger feel to these folk. They're surrounded by swirling seas of mysterious mists, which can part to reveal a galvanising glimpse of a powerful persona, before they merge together again. That can sound slightly like Pisces, who also belong to the Watery realms of the heavenly horoscope, but there's a deep and definite difference between these two signs. Pisceans are rhapsodic romantics, delighted to day-dream, and are ruled by nebulous Neptune and jolly Jupiter. Scorpios are a quite contrary kettle of fascinating fish. Two planets jostle for the rulership of this ravishing sign - powerful, pulsating Pluto and magnificent, mammoth Mars. So all Scorpios are ruled by one or the other, or perhaps a bit of both! What this astrological equation adds up to is someone who's strong-minded (especially since Scorpios are Fixed folk - they won't budge an inch!), secretive and (wait for it!) sexy. Scorpios plot to be the power behind the throne, the person who pulls the strings in the puppet play of life. They hate being the centre of attention for long, and prefer to preserve the mysterious mood that hovers around them. Some of them are so secretive that they're probably spies, either for queen and country (look at that supersleuth Scorpio, James Bond) or just for their own Scorpionic selves, as they suss out the real reasons for their nearest and dearest behaving in the weird and wonderful ways they do. You can often spot a Scorpio at forty paces, because he or she will be sporting a set of snazzy sunspecs. (Yes, even in darkest December.) A lot of these fascinating folk find their peepers (always piercing and penetrating, by the way) give too much away, so they make sure they stay out of sight. These are sensationally psychologically-minded men and maidens, and even if they seem to look at life quite lightly, scratch the surface and you'll find a person pulsating with veritably vibrant viewpoints on all sorts of subjects. One thing most Martians and plenty of Plutonians take seriously is revenge. If someone hurts them (and they're so sensitive it can surprise you), they'll plot and plan to get their own back, even if it takes till eternity. (And it probably will!) Dark, dashing and debonair - that's a Scorpio man for you. And even if he's blonder than Brigitte Bardot after a session in the sun, he'll act as though he were dark, and be a most mysterious man. Because he's born under the Water element, he'll find it easier than a lot of lads to express his emotions, which can run very deep indeed. And unless other aspects of his chart suggest otherwise, he'll be a deliciously demonstrative, dynamic and devoted dad. When it comes to Scorpionettes, these are sirens who can simmer and smoulder with the best of the bunch. They're very cool and controlled on their elegant exteriors, but underneath beat tremendously tender but titanic tickers. Tempestuously terrific!

If you're not the faithful type, then forget it. Scorpios sigh for stability at the centre of their lives, and they need to know that their love is loyal and not gadding about like a good 'unthe moment their (broad) backs are turned. They're naturally, notoriously suspicious, so are always poised to pounce on any hint that they're about to be hurt. (These are the folk who could tap your telephone, or steam open your stationery once you've put it out for the post. Just what have you got to say to Aunt Agatha, anyway? And is she really your aunt?) The complexities of Plutonic passion can make the maze at Hampton Court look like a dead doddle. Find yourself trapped in the torrent of Scorpionic sensations and you'll need more than a map to help you get out. For once a Scorpio falls in love, it's with a fervent frenzy and fury that's unmatched in any other Sun sign. 'All or nothing' is the phrase for these folk. The trouble comes when that unbounded energy is blocked, because it'll turn to tantrums, elicit envy or even force out a psychological cruelty towards the partner. There's no doubt that when a Scorpio falls in love, they shouldn't bounce into bed at the first hum of the heartstrings, Those folk ruled by randy Mars may find that their drive for desire leads them straight to the sheets. (They act first and ask questions later - such as 'What's your name?') But Plutonian paramours should bide their time, and embark on a voluptuous voyage of emotional discovery that will eventually lead them to long-lasting love. And a Scorpio couldn't ask for anything more.

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