Future Predictions


Your Loving Cup Cast
Scroll down for your interpretation. Click on individual runes to learn more about it's specific properties.
The Current State of Things

Dagaz represents the fresh light of a new day. You are close to making a breakthrough. You have the will to change whatever you deem necessary. You may see the world with absolute clarity at this time.

Your Lover's Current Position

Laguz is the feminine Rune. It denotes a deep sexuality and fertility. Laguz also represents that which is ever changing and renewal. You may be in a tremendous spiritual growth period.

Nature of Your Issue

Ingwaz signifies completion, success and fertility. Your present ambitions are about to be met. You are fecund in both mind and body.

Desires in Relation to Your Question

Thurisaz reversed often represents your inability to come to terms with repressed issues. It is a warning that if you do not purge past demons they may return to harm you. This Rune is also indicative of a time when you should not act on impulse.

Your Lover's Desires

Ehwaz reversed indicates a restless soul in need of change. Although you may hunger for something different, do not act in haste.

Challenges Which May Arise for You

Kenaz foretells the coming of clarity and knowledge. It is time for you to grow by exchanging knowledge with others. Opportunities are upon you.

Challenges Which May Arise for Your Lover

Tiwaz is the Warrior Rune. It represents pure, masculine power and the ability to successfully fight to meet your goals. However, you must be careful that costs of attaining your goals overshadow their values.

The Future Outcome (To be read in tandem with the Rune below)

Hagalaz is the hail Rune. It denotes chaos, destruction and disruption on a primal level. You may experience delays in moving toward your goals.

The Future Outcome (To be read in tandem with the Rune above)

The Sun Rune, denotes power and strength. That which you want may be attained. Sowilo also denotes mental clarity and added warmth to your relationships.


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